The Courier's Quest (The Bolaji Kingdoms Series Book 3) Read online

Page 18

She hadn’t seen the dark-haired beauty sneak up behind her.

  "I am."

  "Will you two ever come back?"

  "Yes, I still have family here."

  Rasha's eyes dropped to the table when she said family. She still wasn't used to thinking of her parents as her aunt and uncle and her aunt as her mother.

  "Did you hear about Poobari?"

  "No, what happened to him?" Jak asked.

  "Some off-worlder killed him. They're scrambling to fill his position. The couriers have been coming in all day talking about it. I guess one of them found him dead at his desk."

  Silae took the drinks from the new waitress and ordered a large plate for them to share.

  "It seems someone posing as an off-world courier did it and then left. They couldn't find anything missing, but how would you know at that smelly dump?"

  Rasha nodded, but her mind was already racing. Who would kill old Poobari? He had enemies, sure. When you dealt in shady business, it was likely that you'd eventually have some unsavory characters oppose you. But enough to kill? That was something else entirely. What did they want from him that he wasn't willing to give up? What did they take?

  "I see your thoughts as if they were playing outside your mind and on this table." Jak leaned over and rested his chin on his fist, regarding her with interest. "What are you going to do?"

  "Nothing, I'm not the authorities. I'm a courier."

  "An off-world courier," Silae said, slipping into the chair next to her. "You could do a little investigating, maybe find out what happened to poor Poobari."

  "You two are a couple of mukes. I'm not doing any such thing. I'm using my shiny new credentials to fetch and deliver. I can't hold any loyalty to one people over another, or one planet over another."

  Jak and Silae gave each other knowing looks as if they didn't believe a word she was saying, which only irritated her more.

  "No, I won't. But I will have a drink and remember our fallen–I don't even know what to call him,” Rasha said as she held her glass half way to her mouth, trying to think of a word that described her relationship with Poobari.

  "Friend?" Jak offered.

  Rasha shook her head and lowered her glass to the table.

  "Ally?" Silae asked.

  Rasha tilted her head to one side and pondered it for a moment. No, that wasn't him either.

  "Associate." Rasha picked up her glass and took a drink. The others did the same.

  "I can't stay here chatting with you all night, I have other customers and besides I've got a date coming," Silae said and ran a hand over the front of her apron. It did little to cover her bosom and long bare legs.

  "Who's the victim?" Rasha asked with her face in her cup.

  "Very funny, princess. He's someone I met at the Ishola palace."


  A commotion at the front door drew their attention. A tall muscular Wola with long black hair entered. His large white wings tucked behind his back as he entered carrying an array of wild flowers.

  "Tarrik?" Jak asked as they both stared.

  "Yeah, he brought us supplies when we needed them. I'll tell you all about it over drinks some time. See you two later. We've gotta fly." Silae giggled as she whipped off her apron and tossed it and the flowers to the new girl.

  "I didn't see that coming,” Rasha said as she finished her drink.

  "You didn't see me coming, either." Jak laughed.

  "No, I didn't."

  Rasha could admit that when they'd met, she never imagined she could like him. Now, he was her closest friend and something more. He'd swept into her life like everything else the last year and a half and changed everything.

  Jak stood up and held out his hand.

  "We've gotta fly."

  "Yes, early morning fetch on Musa."

  They walked out of the inn and through the trees to a small clearing where their flyer sat.

  "I'll drive." Jak placed a light hand on the small craft's door.

  "No, I'll drive," Rasha said, squeezing between him and the door.

  "I thought you hated mechanical vehicles?" Jak said, pinning her to the door with his body.

  Rasha knew she was at a disadvantage. Jak was taller and built stronger than her, but that wasn't the reason she let him keep her there between him and the door. She understood something she didn't believe was possible before. When you really liked someone, it was okay to let them have the advantage sometimes.

  "Motorized ground vehicles are clunky and unsophisticated." Rasha draped her arms around Jak's neck and felt the shift in advantage go to her. "I love flying."

  Jak's eyes glazed over as he stared at her mouth. Rasha's lips parted, and he crushed his lips to hers in a hungry and passionate kiss. When he pulled back, she wasn't sure she had the advantage anymore as they were both out of breath. She managed to get inside the space craft and climbed into the pilot seat. She tapped in the start code and released the controls as she prepared to take off. Jak sat down in the seat beside her and tapped on the display monitor, initiating their map and plotting their course.

  "Which do you like better, riding dragons or flying spaceships?" Jak asked.

  "Why don't you strap in and find out?"


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  This purchase comes with a FREE bonus book link to The First Kingdom ~ The Bolaji Kingdom Prequel inside.

  A Romeo and Juliet story with a fantasy twist.

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  Sanee and Adera became friends long before they understood what it meant to hate those who were different. Determined to be together when ripped apart, they journey separately to find a rumored land where they can be together in peace. But when tribal wars escalate will they be divided forever?


  This series would never have seen the light of day if it wasn’t for the support of my outstanding family and friends. I couldn’t do this without their love and encouragement.

  A huge thanks goes to my editor Jessica West who made this book readable and remarkable.

  Thanks goes out to my street team of readers who gave me valuable feedback that improved the book in its final stages.

  Let me also thank my new readers, for taking a chance on this story that burned in me until it had to be told. Like most stories, it has no beginning or end. I hope you’ll also enjoy what comes next.

  About the Author

  Hi, I'm T.S. Valmond the science fiction and fantasy author currently residing in Canada with my husband and dog in an undisclosed location. One can never be too careful when exposing the secrets of powerful governments, worlds, and illegal aliens.

  (Yes, they're watching.)

  I was into science fiction and fantasy long before Browncoats, Trekkies, and a Jedi were cool. Like my readers, I long for the days when Reality TV didn't mean anything and entertainment was entertaining.

  When I'm not writing I'm–

  Nope. I'm always writing.

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